All posts by mariablackman

Goodbye, Medium

A few years ago, when I was searching for interesting and quality writing that I could read instead of my Facebook feed, I found Medium. During the Year of Staying at Home, I began to write and self-publish on Medium. I wrote a monthly book review column for one Medium publication and a bunch of essays about art and books. My success on that platform was very modest but I did challenge myself to write every day, which led to my writing and editing skills improving.

I’m hanging up my Medium writing gloves now and you can read my final article here.

Publication News – The Ampersand

I have a short story about to be published in a new magazine for Australian writers, The Ampersand. The first edition is out 1st April, in both hardcopy and online. More details coming very soon!

Over the last year, I have been working hard on my short story writing skills. I’ve written flash fiction (under 500 words), micro fiction (under 100 words), and sought fame and glory by entering writing competitions. So far, I haven’t won any prizes but one thing’s for sure, the more stories I wrote, the better my writing became.

One of my literary influences is Ray Bradbury. He is famous for his science fiction stories. He was also a prolific writer and he encouraged young writers to also write prolifically without worrying about quality. His challenge was to write one story per week then at the end of a year, see how much your writing has improved.

You might see shades of Bradbury in my story. It’s set in the near future and it has an android as the main character. If you want to know, you’ll have to wait until 1st April to find out. Until then, happy reading and writing.